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Case Study

360 Video and VR Tech


Unique Project Aspects

The Challenge

The customer services team for a large communications company was having issues with the initial encounter with their customers in their store locations. This was causing negative customer reviews on their exit surveys. After discussing the situation with them, we determined that the initial reactions their customer service agents were having with the customers were impacting the customer’s opinion in a negative way.

The Solution

With input from Leadership, we designed and developed a series of videos using 360 cameras and VR technology that put the learners in the role of the customer as they come into the store. This training was designed to show that even the smallest behaviors can leave lasting impressions and impact their customer surveys. It used questions designed to accompany the videos to make the learners think about the interactions they were having with the customers, and how even the smallest things can be taken the wrong way.

The Results

The pilot was extremely well received, and the pilot store saw an immediate increase in the number of positive customer exit surveys.

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