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Case Study

Animated Workplace Mental Health Training


Unique Project Aspects

The Challenge

The client regularly delivers in-person and virtual workshops on workplace mental health matters and needed a series of eLearnings to target specific issues that could be offered to the companies they work with to reach broader audiences. Each topic was required to be independent, thereby allowing someone to take the module targeted only to the mental health content needed.

The Solution

Lumious worked with stakeholders to identify the targeted topics and the recommended methodology to effectively deal with these topics. Lumious then created a series of animated eLearning modules, along with accompanying QRGs, to help employees in a wide variety of industries recognize and assist those dealing with mental health issues in the workplace. Animations were chosen to give learners a slight feeling of distance from the emotionally charged content.

A diverse set of professions and professional environments were paired with each topic/module.  Unique characters and stories were created for each module that set up the targeted mental health issue, taught the applicable methodology, and placed the learner in the role of one of the characters.  This allowed the learner to make decisions and dialogue choices within the scenario while giving feedback for every choice.

The Results

The project resulted in five 20-minute modules on specific mental health crises with accompanying QRGs and one “foundational” module. The customer was very pleased with the final deliverables. The modules are doing well, and there have been discussions about adapting these modules for even more settings and professions in the future.

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