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Case Study

Prepping for Change


Unique Project Aspects

The Challenge

This workgroup was experiencing massive change as they absorbed additional responsibilities due to a reassignment of technical support tasks. They needed to prioritize this immediate change while also creating an onboarding program that would encompass this new skillset long term. Positive word-of-mouth from colleagues led this workgroup to seek out Lumious expertise for their own onboarding and upskilling program analysis.

The Solution

We conducted an in-depth analysis into the onboarding needs of the group, as well as the immediate need for the new skillset. We proposed modularized training items that could not only be leveraged whenever an individual learner needed them, but could also be used as part of a standardized journey for new employees.

We also proposed ideas that standardized their already-existing informal peer learning practices so they could better measure success of individual learners and the program itself.

The Results

We proposed nearly 100 deliverable options using seven different methodologies that would not just upskill the current employees to the new skillset, but also provide the onboard training for  future employees as well.

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