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Custom L&D Services

Here's the honest truth:

You might have the best
learning programs in the world today.
But what good is that if your learners
can’t remember the material tomorrow?

Educating your employees well is a big task—
involving real expenses of time and money—and it’s not a one-time deal.
How do you protect your return on investment … from day one?

The thing is ...

… hit-and-run style learning programs are great for checking boxes.

They’re not so great for ongoing performance.

Remember in high school, when you had to take algebra before calculus?
It was because you needed building blocks before you could claim complete mastery.
Brain science and common sense both tell us learning is iterative and ongoing.

If you've ever ...

… our Learning Reinforcement experience can help you reclaim your ROI.

Reset the Curve

Think of forgetting as a curve*, where you forget more as time goes on. You can actually reset that curve—and it’s pretty simple, once you know how.


The goal of education is to move information from the short-term to the long-term portions of your learners’ brains—creating and reinforcing good habits. Learn from tried-and-true methods of making this happen.


Is it worth it to “add a tail” to your existing learning programs? Mindfully cultivating core skills in new and existing employees is always a wise investment.

Get the eBook

4 Steps to a Learning Reinforcement Culture

Are you ready to create an effective Learning Reinforcement plan that promotes a culture of ongoing learning and makes a measurable impact in your organization? Start here with our exclusive, downloadable eBook, 4 Steps to a Learning Reinforcement Culture.

Prefer to download without sharing your info? Click here.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Benjamin Franklin

Let's chat about Learning Reinforcement

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Custom L&D

Need a tailored-for-you L&D solution—with learning retention included as part of the strategy from the get-go? We’ve got you covered.

Off-the-Shelf Courses

Outfit yourself, one of your employees, or your whole team with certification prep courses and technology refreshers.

Professional Development

Grow as a leader, a salesperson, or an HR professional through executive coaching, mentorship, and standalone courses.

*The Forgetting Curve was discovered and named by Hermann Ebbinghaus in the 1800s.