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Configuring Cisco Catalyst 9800 and Intro to WIFI6 (C98WF6)

Course Information

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Course Overview

Configuring Cisco Catalyst 9800 and Intro to WIFI6 (C98WF6v2.0) is a course designed to help students understand how the Catalyst 9800 Series wireless controllers combine the best of RF excellence with IOS XE benefits. This course begins with a description of the Cisco Catalyst 9800 and its benefits while introducing the learner to WIFI6. The configuration, migration, and troubleshooting will also be covered in this instructor-led course. What’s New in C98WF6v2.0? The version 2 of this course covers newer topics: Multi Preshared key authentication Identity Preshared Key authentication C9800 and ISE integration FlexConnect using Dot1x authentication In depth troubleshooting using C9800 platform for wireless clients Flexconnect groups QOS to block social media websites The labs use C9800 17.7.1 software code and ISE 3.1.0 code.

Class Schedule