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Once students have mastered the basics of Python via the Introduction to Python course or their own work, it’s time to move on to applying Python to daily programming needs. This course picks up where Introduction to Python 3x leaves off, covering some topics in more detail, and adding …
In this 2-Day Python training course, students already familiar with Python programming will learn advanced Python techniques. This advanced Python course is taught using Python 3; however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted. …
This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services, and how cloud services are provided with Microsoft Azure.  The course can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and Microsoft Azure. …
Ever used an app or been on a website that was completely dysfunctional?  In this class you will learn how important the user experience is and how to build functional apps and websites.  Our approach is a combination of lecture and hands practical exercises to help a student learn …
The audience for this course is system’s administrators desiring to automate provisioning, configuration management, service deployment, operational processes. This course covers all the core Ansible features including: installing and configuring, running ad-hoc commands, understanding modules, creating and using playbooks, variables and inclusion, task control, templates, and roles. The course …
The ability to store, aggregate, and analyze large amounts of data has transformed nearly every industry. Whether finance, medicine, entertainment, government, or technology; the dream is the same: use enormous amounts of data to understand problems, predict outcomes, and take effective action. While many advances make the dream of …
Containers are a powerful tool for developing and managing software. When combined with DevOps practices, it is possible for organizations to efficiently deliver applications and services at high velocity. This training course introduces containers and two of the most popular tools for their management and orchestration: Docker and Kubernetes. …
This four-day course leads the student from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced features such as file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and using the extensive functionality of Python modules. Extra emphasis is placed on features unique to Python, such as tuples, …