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macOS Support Essentials v14, is a top-notch primer for anyone who needs to support, troubleshoot, or optimize macOS Sonoma, such as IT professionals, technicians, help desk specialists, and ardent Mac users. This is the only Apple Pro Training Series course that covers Sonoma. Students will find in-depth, step-by-step instructions …
The AMT course is a 4-day course that enables participants to troubleshoot and repair Mac computers. Interactive discussions and optional hands-on exercises guide participants through macOS setup, maintenance, features, and associated services. Participants also learn how to troubleshoot macOS and Mac hardware and perform repairs on Mac computers. Participants’ knowledge and …
The ADT course is a 3-day course that enables students to learn how to effectively troubleshoot and support iPhone & iPad. Interactive discussions and hands-on exercises guide students through the setup, navigation, features, and associated services of Apple mobile devices. Students also learn how to maintain, troubleshoot, and repair Apple mobile …
Organizations are increasingly integrating Mac computers into Windows or other standards-based network environments. But users and the IT professionals who support them can relax because Mac integration is easy. …
iOS Support Essentials is a two-day core class to teach you how to use and support iOS and how to get the most out of your iPhone or iPad. Students will learn how to share files, create documents, surf the web, back up and restore data, stay secure and …
This three-day hands-on course introduces students to the primary features and basic user interface of Logic Pro. Attendees will learn how to generate a customized audio and MIDI configuration that will seamlessly integrate with their own personal production studio. Students will also create their own song using a comprehensive …