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Sales Enablement

In the real world, negotiation is much more than just trying to get your needs satisfied. To be truly effective requires a broader perspective. Through hands-on experience, you’ll learn what it takes at each stage of the negotiation process to be truly effective. Find out what you bring to …
Storytelling is the process painting a picture with words, so that the listener understands and can see what the story is telling them in relation to the subject being discussed. It is useful in business when selling an idea, a concept a product or service to a leader, manager, …
Leading virtual teams is a complex blend of skill, knowledge and technology. While many organizations choose to focus primarily on the technology, the reality is that 90% of a virtual teams success is dependent on dynamics rather than just tools. Virtual teams have the same challenges as face-to-face teams …
Strategic Planning is a disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. This program will help leaders set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen …
Do you need to structure and streamline how you solve problems and make decisions? Use this innovative model to make sure you’re on target. Filter out inappropriate solutions and gain “buy-in” every time. This program initially assesses current problem-solving styles, and then uses a unique matrix to uncover the …
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. It is the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking, and is about being an active learner rather than a passive recipient of information. Critical thinkers rigorously question ideas and assumptions rather …