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Case Studies

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Our Washington, DC client had no formalized new manager training. This resulted in managers not following the policies and practices needed for compliance, project management, performance management, and more.

Our client was rolling out a new flexible work plan for their global workforce of over 50,000 people. They needed to account for disparate manager styles and preferences around remote work as well as optimize communication strategies for blended remote and in-office teams. Carefully handling this strategy to encourage employee retention and satisfaction was top of mind.

Case Study

Our client noticed that throughout the business, employees were not asking the questions needed to provide a more consultative experience for their stakeholders. For example, if someone asked the Finance department for a report, Finance would provide the report without understanding the requestor’s intent, thereby missing the opportunity to potentially solve the requestor’s root issue in a more effective way.

Our client had a sales force that was very transactional. They were not creating deep customer relationships and were selling products instead of strategic solutions.

The sales team needed to understand customer motivation and issues, negotiate more effectively, and facilitate data-driven decision making. Sales of key strategic products were down due to a lack of knowledge around engaging with senior leaders.

Poor communication habits can put the company and personnel at risk. Despite years of annual compliance, our customer continued to experience issues. They needed to deliver compliance training that would stick with learners long after they completed the training.

Our customer owned a difficult system that was used almost every day by their employees. New employees learned the system in onboarding through a multi-day VILT. This means new employees had to wait for a bulk session and there wasn’t any performance support, so employees were left floundering when it came to real-world application after onboarding.

The client regularly delivers in-person and virtual workshops on workplace mental health matters and needed a series of eLearnings to target specific issues that could be offered to the companies they work with to reach broader audiences. Each topic was required to be independent, thereby allowing someone to take the module targeted only to the mental health content needed.

A quick service restaurant was opening multiple new ghost kitchen brands and needed assistance with creating branded training modules showing how to create menu items for each new restaurant.

Our client was investing a large sum of money in a new safety training site and needed to develop the curriculum to best leverage the new facility. New employees were not properly trained in safety procedures. Employees in the role for a longer period needed a refresher on corporate policies. The positions being trained were high risk, so there was no room for error.

This particular workgroup lacked formal onboarding programs or learning materials for the three roles in their department. They relied heavily on peer learning and a mix of existing training options developed for other audiences.

A growing company in Atlanta, GA required an in-depth, onboarding needs analysis for six specific roles in production and engineering. They expect rapid growth through at least 2024 and wanted to get in front of the onboarding needs for these roles before they begin mass hiring. In addition, they were not quite sure what the career paths looked like for these roles.

This workgroup was experiencing massive change as they absorbed additional responsibilities due to a reassignment of technical support tasks. They needed to prioritize this immediate change while also creating an onboarding program that would encompass this new skillset long term. Positive word-of-mouth from colleagues led this workgroup to seek out Lumious expertise for their own onboarding and upskilling program analysis.